I’m the spiraling white crystal wind. My furry daughters wake me up in the morning. I need a big glass of good water to start my day with and followed by making a nice cup of hand-drip coffee to go with my brekky. Cats are amazing.

I walk under the sun. I look up to the sky to see how the clouds slowly change their shapes. I burn sage and give thanks to the space. I water my plants and observe how they look each day. Flowers are gorgeous.

I get dizzy easily when I’m in a space with no fresh air. I cry even when I day dream and meditate. I do struggle, I frustrate and my heart aches.

I cook, I eat, I read, I gyro, I dance, I practice yoga, I sing, I play music, I breathe.

That’s pretty much about me.

沒有人可以阻止狂風肆虐,沒有人可以停止世界轉動,變幻原是永恆。改變帶來不確定性與對失去的恐懼。要不被牽著走,惟有留在平靜的風眼,想清楚如何於風暴中自處 。


如其在內,如其在外。身外沒有甚麼是我們擁有的,於是,沒有甚麼可以失去。心中的風眼卻是個無限的空間,自由自在,裡面的一切沒有其他人能觸碰,沒有其他人可以取去,完全屬於自己。掌控自己的人生,每一分一秒,一呼一吸,天堂與地獄就在當下, 現在就是花樣的年華。

  • Created in 2020 on the day of KIN 50 White Spectral Dog.

    Evolved in 2021 on the day of KIN 37 Red Spectral Earth.

    Reborn in 2023 on the day of KIN 166 White Planetary World-Bridger.

    ZAAPSHARE THE PORTAL is the transformative gateway embodied the flow of love. It bridges divides, fosters the connection within oneself and with others.

    I serve to honor your own healing powers and beauty within:


    : SPIRAL TO THE COSMOS Movement Workshop

    : HEART HEALING (1 on 1 Private Session)


  • from the earth to our bodies, back to the ocean.

    get soaps to clean your body and soul

  • stay tuned

  • Community / A space to remember we are ONE.


I create.

  • GYROKINESIS® Level 1

    GYROTONIC® Level 1 / Level 2

    Cardiovascular Breathing Progression 1 / Progression 2

    Application for Pre & Post Natal

    Application for the Fascia Body

  • RYT 200 / Pranayama and Meditation


    Shamanic Heart Healing

My journey.